Tricks for Pc(try it urself)

Reverse the mouse buttons

1) No context menu

What will you see when you right click on the desktop? You will see a context menu which says arrange icons, refresh,..and so on. Are you angry at your friend for not wishing you for you B'day? Do you wanna play a trick on a newbie in your family who is new to computers? This is a cool trick to play. By this tweak, you will be able to disable the right click on the desktop or any icons/files/folders/applications... But right click will work on taskbar of the start button and registry. So, dont worry!!!
Open your registry and you will see all unknown files like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT....... and so on. Don't panic. Follow this path. HKEY_CURRENT_USER>SOFTWARE>MICROSOFT>WINDOWS>CURRENT VERSION>POLICIES>EXPLORER. On the right side of the registry, you will see two files(in general) named 'default' and 'NoDriveTypeAutoRun'. Right click on the empty space in the registry and goto New>DWORD VALUE and name it as "NoViewContextMenu". Remember, no spaces and N,V,C,M shoWObe capitals. Right click on this and click modify. The default value will be 0. Change it to 1. Note: DONOT CHANGE THE HEXADECIMAL TO DECIMAL. Click OK. Close your registry and logout. Bingo!!! Once you login again, right click wont work. Your friend will be perplexed and the next thing he/she does is call the system administrator not knowing that not all system administrators will be knowing about registry. Now, to enable it again. follow the same path and set the value to 0. Logout and then login to see the effect.

2) Reverse the mouse buttons
This is a cool trick to play on newbies. Actually, there are two ways to do this. One is changing the settings in the Control panel and the other is through editing registry. You can do it either way. But I prefer the second way, which is challenging.
(i) Through Control Panel - goto Start> Control Panel> Printers and other hardware> Mouse. In Button configuration, enable the switch primary and secondary buttons option and click OK. But remember, you have just swapped the mouse buttons. So, for OK, you have to click the right mouse button. The newbie will be perplexed. Well, this trick is good for left handers.
(ii) Editing the registry - By default the left mouse button is the primary and the right is secondary. Open your registry and follow this path:
HLEY_CURRENT_USER>Control Panel>Mouse and on the right side of the registry, create this String value(REG_SZ): 'SwapMouseButtons' and set its value to 1. Bingo!!! You are done. Log out/Restart the computer.

You can try this: Combine tricks 1 and 2. That means, this will result in swapping of the mouse buttons and disabling the left click(once the buttons are swapped). User is ready to call system administrator cuz he feels that the system is behaving wildly.

Hidden unknown fact in MICROSOFT WORD

Bill Gates still doesn't know why it happens:
Try out yourself...
Open Microsoft Word and type
and then HIT ENTER....see what happens.
it won't hurt ur system!!

Creating 3D Window EffectEffect

You can create a nice 3D effect for your windows
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Colors
Make sure the following setting are there:
ButtonHilight=128 128 128ButtonShadow=255 255 255

Remove shutdown buttonbutton

To remove the shutdown button from the logon screen in WinXP and 2K, use regedit and navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system change the value of the dword 'shutdownwithoutlogon' to '0'. exit regedit.

Rename Your Recycle Bin

Hey Guys just follow thse simple steps and change the name of your Recycle Bin(where temporarely deleted files are stored)
1)Goto 'start' menu and Choose 'Run' command.
2)Type 'regedit' (without inverted commas). U will see Registery Editor Window on Ur Screen. 3)Now, On the Left Hand Side of the Window you'll see a Tree of folders Just DoubleClick on the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder>Now in the new folder Tree DoubleClick on the 'Software' folder > then DoubleClick on 'Microsoft' folder>'Windows' folder>'Current Version' folder>'Explorer' folder>'CLSID' folder.
4)Now, You will see a Tree of 3 or 4 folder(don't worry about the no. of folders). Just Click on the folder : '{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}'.
5)Finally, after Clicking on '{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}' folder Goto the Right Hand Side of the Same window and
Double Click On the Default Option and Write in the name You want for Your Recycle Bin e.g. :- Trash #. CLick O.K. button. Goto Your Desktop and Refresh the Desktop and See the magic. Your Recycle Bin has been Renamed.
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