Batband a device which will change the future of communication devices

Batband headphones are designed to transmit sound directly into your head via bone conduction. The headphones then free the outer ear to hear sounds from the user's environment.

There once was a time not long ago when there was one type of headphone, the type that goes over the user's ear. The only difference in choice was size. The proliferation of earbuds and earbud-like inserts, such as foam, created a whole new option for listeners, a much more compact, unobtrusive and portable style.

Now, StudioBananaThings is looking to take it to the next level with a pair of headphones that don't touch the user's ears at all. Instead, the Batband uses bone conduction technology to pierce the user's personal inner hearing system and transmit sound through the their head.

Transducers emit sound waves through three strategic spots on the user's head, two on the side and one in the back. The Batband pairs to any mobile device through Bluetooth and also has a built-in microphone to place and receive calls. Its inventors claim the sound remains private, as almost all of it is audible only via the wearer and not other people nearby.

The Batband charges easily via a USB port, and does not use software or require firmware updates. The device itself is controlled through intuitive touch gestures. StudioBananaThings creators wanted to invent a new way of listening to music in which the listener is also able to hear what is going on in their environment, and their dream will come true when the Batband is released.

The Batband is a Kickstarter project, but it has already raised more than double the $150,000 goal of the project, so it's officially a go with 36 days left. All who preorder can get the device for $150 instead of the $250 retail price. It seems that the main question regarding this technology is how it lives up to its promise. Does the sound really remain internal, and how does the listening experience feel when delivered in a completely different way? We'll find out when the Batband comes to market officially next April.


Bone conduction is the transfer of sound to the inner ear through the bones of the skull.

It is one of the reasons why a person's voice sounds different to him/her when it is recorded and played back.

Some hearing aids use bone conduction to achieve an effect equivalent to hearing directly through the ears.

Batband is fitted with three so-called transducers that emit sound waves at frequencies that penetrate the skull but can't be heard by anyone else nearby.

Two touch the sides of the head, near the temporal bone, and the third sits on the occipital bone.

Batband is fitted with three so-called transducers that emit sound waves at frequencies that penetrate the skull but can't be heard by anyone else nearby.

Two touch the sides of the head, near the temporal bone, and the third sits on the occipital bone.

It pairs to a device via Bluetooth and music is played wirelessly.

This connection with a phone also means it can be used to answer and end calls.

Made of spring steel with a padded lining, its makers claim it is comfortable enough to wear all day and its has touch controls embedded into the side.

Swiping the side of the band lets wearers answer and end calls, turn the volume up and down, and skip songs.  
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